Welcome to the HiMOexperience program
Glycom A/S, a Danish biotechnology company, is inviting you to participate in the HiMOexperience program where we give away our HiMO product for free with the aim of better understanding our users’ experiences when taking HiMO. Everyone is welcome to join, but we are currently focusing on people suffering from general digestive distress such as diarrhoea, constipation, bloating and stomach pain and conditions such as allergies, food intolerances, migraine or impaired quality of life.
The HiMO product contains human oligosaccharides, which are unique nutrients natural to the human body as they are identical in structure to those found in mother’s milk and similar to those in the protective lining of the digestive tract.
Our HiMO product is ready to use and authorized as safe for human consumption by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA).